
Sentarum Lake is a seasonal lake located in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. The lake is full of water for 10 months each year, and the rest of the time it recedes, forming small ponds filled with small fish. During the dry season, Lake Sentarum supplies half of the water flow of the Kapuas River. The lake covers a total area of 132,000 hectares.

In 1999, Danau Sentarum was designated as a national park. Previously, Danau Sentarum National Park was a nature reserve in 1981-1982 and a wildlife reserve since 1983. The lake area has been included in the list of the world’s most important wetlands since 1994. Several species of fish pass through the lake in their reproductive cycle.

The function of the lake is to catch water that will fill the Kapuas River. The lake is also a source of water for the Kapuas River which also irrigates several cities such as Sintang, Kapuas Hulu and even some areas of Pontianak. The view from the surrounding hills in the rainy season will present the condition of a vast expanse of water like the ocean.

An interesting natural phenomenon in Lake Sentarum is the floating lake which consists of aquatic vegetation floating on the surface of the lake. This creates a unique panorama and is home to a variety of living organisms. The combination of ecosystem richness, geological uniqueness and human involvement in natural resource management makes Danau Sentarum an exceptional site worthy of preservation.

By presenting this information, it is hoped that readers can better understand the uniqueness of Lake Sentarum and the importance of maintaining the sustainability of this lake for future generations.

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