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ILoC (Indonesia land of content)

What is iLoC? Indonesia Land of Content is a development program for potential Villages and cities that could become potential content material. The village can develop Human resources, tourists, creative products, small enterprises, cultures and potential businesses. Besides the training program, iLoC also provides a mentoring program that the Village and city societies can join.

Our Mission

Create Village Content

Our Mission

Opening New Business

Our Mission

Can open up the opportunity for a village to be known worldwide.

Our Vision

Seeing all villages in Indonesia become villages that have many exciting objects to become content.

How iLoC change the future?

1. The quality of human resources in the village has become more advanced

How iLoC change the future?

2. The economic quality of a village can increase

How iLoC change the future?

3. The existence of new places, businesses, and cultures in a village

How iLoC change the future?

4. Can open up the opportunity for a village to be known worldwide

Why is iLoC important?

• iLoC can help develop villages

Why is iLoC important?

• iLoC can create many jobs

Why is iLoC important?

• iLoC can help the economic quality of a village